Holland Group article on reactions of iron-nitrogen complexes named ChemSci 'Pick of the Week'

By Charlyn Paradis | Wednesday, February 7, 2024
ligands of a compound structure

New iron(IV) complexes from the Holland Lab (R = organic group)

The Holland Group’s research on the reactions of iron-nitrogen complexes has earned them special recognition by Chemical Science, the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The journal editors chose the group’s article “Iron(IV) alkyl complexes: electronic structure contributions to Fe–C bond homolysis and migration reactions that form N–C bonds from N2” as a ChemSci Pick of the Week.

The paper, which is the result of research by recent Ph.D. graduate Sam Bhutto, is published in the journal Chemical Science.

“Iron complexes rarely achieve the +4 oxidation state,” said Patrick Holland, the Conkey P. Whitehead Professor of Chemistry. “We were able to do this by silylating complexes of iron with atmospheric N2, and then we saw that in some cases they form new carbon-nitrogen bonds. This is one step in learning how to use nitrogen from the air to produce useful chemicals.”

The Holland Group studies the synthesis, reactivity, mechanism, and properties in order to develop new catalysts and understand existing catalysts. This multidisciplinary effort touches on topics ranging from bioinorganic to organometallic chemistry.

Learn more about the Holland Group.