The Chemistry Stockroom supports research activity and undergraduate teaching labs in the Chemistry Department and beyond on Science Hill. Staff maintain a steady inventory of research supplies, from laboratory glassware to commonly used chemical reagents. They are on hand to help fulfill departmental purchasing, shipping, and receiving needs.
- Replenish supplies, chemical reagents, gas cylinders, and liquid nitrogen tanks
- Rent lab coats
- Onboard and offboard newcomers
- Access moveable equipment
- Issue door keys and Kline stockroom cards
- Receive inventory and individual items
- Add chemicals to the Environmental Health & Safety Integrator system
- Facilitate equipment use
- Place maintenance orders
- Process Workday requisitions (SciQuest orders), invoices, and expense reimbursements
Items not available in the stockroom may be obtained by placing an order through SciQuest. To request access, the PI should send a Delegation of Authority form to the Stockroom staff requesting approval to purchase from the stockroom. The stockroom must process items purchased for use in the Chemistry Department.
Any items purchased from the stockroom (unused glassware, apparatus, or unopened chemicals) can be returned for credit during the same week of the date of purchase. Responsibility for producing the proof of purchase rests with the research groups and not with the stockroom personnel. The stockroom retains ultimate jurisdiction as to whether or not items should be returned.
Refer to online vendor catalogs to find suitable supplies and chemicals sources and determine catalog numbers for orders.
Stockroom Inventory
The stockroom catalog lists all items kept in stock. Stockroom attendants should be notified if shelf stock is depleted so they can obtain materials as quickly as possible directly from the vendor.
Items are on phase out when the last one is sold. Check the phase out list and notify Stockroom staff if a replacement is needed.
Shipping and Receiving
The stockroom maintains a receiving area for all incoming materials. Notice of the arrival of ordered materials will be posted on the board outside the stockroom. If the item needs to be in a freezer, the stockroom will email the recipient to come pick it up. Receiving papers are to be signed and left in the designated box in the stockroom. One may make copies of the packing list, but all originals must remain in the stockroom. Carrie Dantone must be notified if materials are received other than through the stockroom. Items to be returned to a vendor for replacement or repair are sent out through the stockroom.
The goal is to process all deliveries promptly. Please be patient and allow for time to process the deliveries as they arrive.
Personal Deliveries
University policy states that no personal packages should be delivered to a university address. However, the Chemistry Department realizes the hardship this may pose and extends the courtesy of allowing personal packages to be delivered to the stockroom.
The following rules apply to personal packages delivered to the stockroom:
- Stockroom personnel will not be held liable for any personal package.
- Advance notification of delivery is appreciated, especially if there are special handling requirements.
- All packages received in the stockroom are subject to be opened as most boxes are not marked personal.
- Please only come to retrieve packages after proof of delivery. Stockroom personnel are employed to process orders related to teaching and research and should not be needlessly interrupted to investigate personal shipments.
- If personal belongings are shipped here from a previous residence before one’s arrival, a designated person should pick up the packages immediately. There are no storage facilities in the stockroom.
When removing chemicals from the Stockroom, all liquids and chemicals in glass bottles must be transported in approved containers. These containers are rubber carriers, plastic carriers, carts with low shelving and a lip, or a wagon. No exceptions.
Important Shipping Information
Make sure your packages get here
Tip: Use this “Deliver-To” and “Ship-To Address” on requisitions
When creating a requisition, update the Ship-To Address to what is shown in the image. To do so, delete what is in the field, type “350 Ed”, and hit enter. The correct address shown should be “350 Edward Street New Haven, CT 06511 United States of America.” The Deliver-To field should now be “Chemical Safety Blg > 101.”

Contact Us
Open: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., M – F
Closed Yale holidays
350 Edwards Street, New Haven
Mailing and Shipping Addresses
For U.S. Postal Service (USPS), use:
Yale University Chemistry Department
ATTENTION: [Enter recipient’s name]
P.O. Box 208107
New Haven CT 06520-8107
For shipping companies other than USPS, use:
Yale University Chemistry Department
ATTENTION: [Enter recipient’s name]
350 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Use eShipGlobal for all packages, including those “to” the department
If you are paying for something to be shipped here, you need to use eShipGlobal (instead of the vendor using FedEx and sending us an invoice). The problem is that FedEx invoices are coming to the department by snail mail weeks past due, and we can’t charge late fees to grants.
Instructions: Prepare a shipping slip in eShipGlobal as normal and reverse the sender and receiver information. Print-to-PDF the shipping slip, email it to the vendor, and instruct them to use that slip.
Kelly Kellerman
Operations Manager, Chemistry Finance and Administration, Chemistry Stockroom