One of the benefits of education at Yale is the opportunity to perform research in one of our research groups that are pushing back the frontiers of science. Students interested in research should contact the faculty member directly via email to explore opportunities. Faculty members listed as primary faculty have active research programs. Once you have agreed with a faculty member on a project, you can submit a registration form. Below is information on research courses, prerequisites, and registration.
Undergraduate Research
Research Options
The purpose of CHEM 480 is to provide undergraduate students with hands-on exposure to basic research in the chemical sciences and a practical introduction to the modern research environment. The course entails one semester of experimental or theoretical work, with a minimum of 10 hours per week spent in the laboratories of a faculty member in Chemistry. Participants are expected to direct their efforts towards generating chemically relevant data designed to engage and address a specific research problem, as coordinated and supervised by their selected faculty mentor. Individuals wishing to perform independent research must have demonstrated proficiency in the aspects of chemistry required for the planned project, as ascertained by the supervising faculty member. A brief report summarizing goals, methods, and accomplishments must be submitted at the end of the term.
Students enrolled in CHEM 480 earn one graduation credit upon successfully completing the semester and are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. The training may be taken multiple times for Pass/Fail credit, subject to restrictions imposed by Yale College. Typically, CHEM 480 is completed by junior chemistry majors, although occasionally, it will be completed by sophomores.
To be considered for individual experimental or theoretical research in a selected faculty member’s laboratory, students must consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) and submit the appropriate form no later than the last week of the preceding academic term.
The purpose of CHEM 490 is to provide senior chemistry majors with hands-on exposure to research in the chemical sciences. The course entails one semester of experimental or theoretical work in chemistry with a minimum of 10 hours per week spent in the laboratories of a faculty member, as well as a weekly 1-hour class meeting focused on topics related to research. Normally, students complete two semesters of CHEM 490. The class meetings address essential laboratory safety and ethics in science, with other class sessions focusing on core topics of broad interest to chemistry, including online literature searches, oral presentation skills, and effective scientific writing.
Individuals wishing to perform independent research must have demonstrated proficiency in the aspects of chemistry required for the planned project, as ascertained by the supervising faculty member. At the end of the second semester of CHEM 490, students will complete a capstone essay and present a poster to satisfy the senior requirement for the chemistry major.
Students enrolled in CHEM 490 earn one graduation credit upon successful completion of each semester and are assigned letter grades, subject to restrictions imposed by Yale College. CHEM 490 may be taken only twice, subject to restrictions imposed by Yale College. CHEM 490 is restricted to senior chemistry majors pursuing B.S. or B.S.-Intensive degrees. However, in special cases and with DUS approval, juniors may take this course, e.g., those in the B.S./M.S. degree program.
To be considered for individual experimental and theoretical research in a selected faculty member’s laboratory as part of CHEM 490, students must submit the appropriate form to the DUS assistant no later than the last week of classes in the immediately preceding academic term.
Undergraduates may perform research as either a volunteer or employee of the work-study program in a Chemistry Department laboratory with a faculty research mentor during the academic year or over the summer. Students working in this capacity do not receive Yale College credit.
Students are responsible for finding a faculty mentor who will provide guidance and laboratory facilities. The DUS can provide assistance to facilitate this process.
Students must have demonstrated proficiency in the aspects of chemistry required for planned activities, as ascertained by the supervising faculty member. The student will determine with their faculty mentor the time commitment required per week. Typically, students work between 4–15 hours per week during the academic year. Over the summer, the time commitment is generally greater.
Individuals wishing to perform research must meet basic safety requirements prior to undertaking any activities, including the completion of at least two online Laboratory Chemical Training and Hazardous Chemical Waste Training courses administered by the Yale Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)(Link is external) (Link opens in new window). Enrolled individuals must receive formal certification from EHS prior to beginning laboratory activities. Additional safety courses or training requirements might be imposed by the faculty mentor.
How to Register
Submit the relevant registration form with required signatures to the Assistant to the Director of Undergraduate Studies for review by the DUS.
CHEM 480 and 490
The submission deadline is no later than the last week of classes in the immediately preceding academic term.
Undergraduate Students Performing
The submission deadline is no later than the end of the first week of classes in the academic term they wish to start research or prior to commencing research over the summer.