Through a series of mini-lectures, experiments, and demos, students learn nanotechnology, photochemistry, laser technology, and more. With a strong presence in three institutes at Yale’s West Campus, chemistry graduate students participate in the annual festivals.
West Campus Pathways to Science Festivals
Opening labs to local students is important because it makes the idea of being a scientist much more real. I think it can be hard to imagine what a day-to-day in a field looks like until you can see it in action.
Josephine Jayworth, Chemistry Graduate Student and Event Co-Organizer
Festivals in the news
Guided by light the eye can’t see, local students envision a future in STEM
Students from schools across Greater New Haven joined the Yale West Campus Showcase for a virtual tour of cutting-edge science.
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All of our outreach events and programs (except Nitrogen Fixers) are run through Pathways to Science. Check their calendar and website.