Research Cores

Yale offers a number of research cores that provide highly specialized services and sophisticated technical skills and equipment essential for conducting innovative chemistry research.

Cores Specific to the Chemistry Department

  • Catalysis and Separations Core

    Data-centric research in catalysis and separations with equipment for high throughput experimentation and analysis, separations of mixtures, and chemical reaction monitoring. 

  • Chemical and Biophysical Instrumentation Center

    Extensive collection of analytical instruments for scientific research supervised by professional staff who offer training and data collection services.

  • Chemistry Machine Shop

    A state-of-the-art machine shop, where students, faculty, and staff can learn to construct or modify research instrumentation.

  • Gibbs Machine Shop

    The shop provides expert conceptual design, custom manufacturing, engineering, and prototyping to enhance research within Chemistry and the broader Faculty of Arts Sciences. 

  • Scientific Glassblowing Laboratory

    Glassblowers work closely with researchers to fulfill their glass needs, whether it’s standard catalog items, modifications of existing glassware, or new designs.

More Cores at Yale

Below is a selection of other cores at Yale that may support your research. 

  • FAS Science and Engineering Cores

    Instrumentation to keep your research at the cutting edge. Trained staff provide training and assistance with the use of instrumentation and in experimental design. 

  • Yale Center for Engineering & Design

    Tools, resources, and spaces for classes, design projects, and collaborative activities, including a machine shop, a sheet metal area, a wood shop, a wet lab, and more.

  • Yale Center for Molecular Discovery

    Help finding molecules and genes that modify your biology of interest or investigate in a high-throughput format how existing molecules and genetic probes affect the biology.

  • Yale Electron Cryo-Microscopy Resources

    Instruments that provide advanced imaging to elucidate the three-dimensional structure of biological molecules and complexes at near-atomic resolution. 

  • Yale School of Medicine Cores

    Superior scientific instrumentation, highly trained staff, and extraordinary consultants and specialists with the intent to keep your scientific research at the cutting edge.

  • Yale West Campus Cores

    West Campus’s core labs provide access to critical expertise, training, and leading-edge technologies supporting outstanding research and education across the university.

Guide to Yale’s Research Cores

Providing access to critical expertise, training, and leading-edge technologies in support of research and education 

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