Community comes together for Visiting Days success

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
people hallway posters

Photo by Charlyn Paradis.

The survey says, “the community!” That was the resounding response from accepted applicants as to why they chose Yale Chemistry’s Ph.D. program after visiting the campus.

We have “the community” to thank for the massive success of the 2023 Visiting Days. Everyone played a role, from the 100 graduate student and postdoc volunteers, staff, and faculty, to alumni, who made generous gifts to support recruitment.

Ninety-five prospective students attended the Visiting Days in February and March to learn about Chemistry’s research, scholarship, and community, and imagine themselves as Yalie’s living in New Haven for the next five or so years.

To help shape this experience, current graduate students and postdocs volunteered in various roles. They hosted visitors throughout their stay, presented research posters, guided lab tours, answered questions, and coordinated activities. Their knowledge and enthusiasm left a remarkable impression of a place where students thrive.

three people three posters

Photos by Charlyn Paradis.

Visitors started the day with breakfast and a meet-n-greet with Yale’s mascot Handsome Dan before hearing from the director of graduate studies about the Ph.D. program. Faculty spoke about their research groups. Graduate students led tours through the labs and answered questions about student life.

Lunch followed in the Chemistry library with more peer discussion.

Next, visitors perused poster after poster in the Sterling Chemistry Laboratory’s historic hallway as graduate students spoke enthusiastically about their research findings and student groups. A representative from Graduate Student Life shared resources to ensure academic success. Another representative from Yale’s student chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers answered questions about the organization’s activities. And special guest Heidi, Yale’s service dog, strode through the crowd with her calming, comfortable presence.

The prospective students met with faculty to learn that when they conduct research alongside them, they will be making significant contributions to solving some of the major issues of our world.

As the day winded down, everyone headed downtown to talk more about chemistry and Yale life while eating at some of New Haven’s best restaurants.

Thank you to the many department members who volunteered their time and attention to make Visiting Days a success. Specials thanks goes to student liaisons Diondra Dilworth, Noah Gibson, and Marcus Vinicius Pinto Pereira, Jr., for their outstanding leadership and to our generous alumni who made gifts to the Chair’s Fund to support recruitment activities.

See Visiting Days photos.