
Portrait of a man in a tuxedo and glasses
October 27, 2021
The French & American Chemical Societies (FCS & ACS) announced Robert Crabtree, C. P. Whitehead Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, as the winner of the 2020 Franco-...
Portrait of a woman in glasses, sweater, and necklace
October 25, 2021
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, a leader in the field of theoretical chemistry who is recognized for her groundbreaking work on chemical and biological reactions, has been appointed...
Student conducts research in lab space
October 22, 2021
A major renovation at Yale’s West Campus concluded this fall with the expansion of the Energy Sciences Institute (ESI) into consolidated space adjacent to the Institute for...
Portrait of a man in a blazer and glasses
October 8, 2021
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has honored Mark A. Johnson, the Arthur T. Kemp Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, with its E. Bright Wilson...
Man putting out controlled fire with fire extinguisher
October 7, 2021
Outdoors, in the fire extinguisher training station, incoming graduate students hoisted red canisters of carbon dioxide to snuff out flames in a burn pan. Inside, in the...
Student working at lab bench
October 5, 2021
Yale Chemistry Ph.D. candidate Nia Harmon was recently awarded a 2021 Rising Solar Fellowship by the Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) and GRID...
Students on chemistry lab tour
September 23, 2021
Incoming Yale Chemistry graduate students scouted the lay of the land in a full day of activities on Aug. 27, including an orientation game and virtual symposium. A whirlwind...
Portrait of a man wearing suit, tie, glasses
September 21, 2021
Yale will lead a new project to simulate the dynamics of complex chemical reactions using quantum computing technology. The new Center for Quantum Dynamics on Modular Quantum...
Portrait of a man in front of a wall
September 20, 2021
William L. Jorgensen, Sterling Professor of Chemistry, has been selected as a 2021 Citation Laureate for his influential contributions to the field of computational chemistry...
rotten potato
September 20, 2021
To the bane of potato farmers, bacteria that invade plants have developed a neat trick — they can essentially alter their own genetic code. Yale researchers have discovered...
Man in lab coat in front of machine
September 17, 2021
Yale Chemistry postdoctoral researcher Chris Gisriel of the Brudvig Lab was recently awarded a Pathway to Independence Award by the NIH’s National Institute of General...
molecular degraders of extracellular protein molecules
September 15, 2021
The Spiegel Laboratory recently published in Nature Chemical Biology for the small-molecule-mediated, targeted degradation of extracellular proteins. These molecules, termed...