Advanced Chemistry Lecture Electives

AY 2024-2025

Below is a list of courses in the Chemistry Department that are permitted to count as Advanced Lecture Courses in Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025. Occasionally, times may change after this page is produced. Consult Yale Course Search for the most up-to-date schedule.

Chem 402 (0.5 Credit) Fundamentals of Transition Metal Chemistry. Patrick Holland, Tues./Thurs. 9:00 am – 10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 406 (0.5 Credit) Bioinorganic Spectroscopy. Gary Brudvig, Mon./Wed. 9:00-10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 407 (0.5 Credit) Bioinorganic Mechanisms. Gary Brudvig, Mon./Wed. 9:00-10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 416 (0.5 Credit) Organic Structure and Energetics. William Jorgensen. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm. (first half of term).

Chem 417 (0.5 credits) Kinetics and Thermodynamics in Organic Systems. Scott Miller. William Jorgensen. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm. (second half of term).

Chem 419 (0.5 Credit) Proteomics and Chemical Glycobiology. Stacy Malaker. Tues./Thurs. 9:00-10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 421 (0.5 Credit) Protein Design & Catalysis. Jason Crawford. Tues./Thurs. 9:00-10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 424 (0.5 Credit) Chemical Biology of Drug Discovery. David Spiegel. Mon./Wed. 9:00-10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 432 (0.5 Credit) Synthetic Methods I. Jonathan Ellman. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am –12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 433 (0.5 Credit) Synthetic Methods II. Jonathan Ellman. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Chem 466 (0.5 Credit) Introduction to Quantum Chemistry I. Tianyu Zhu. Tues./Thurs. 9:00- 10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 467 (0.5 Credits) Introduction to Quantum Chemistry II. Tianyu Zhu. Tues./Thurs. 9:00- 10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 472 (0.5 Credit) Introduction to Statistical Mechanics I. Victor Batista. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 473 (0.5 Credit) Introduction to Statistical Mechanics II. Victor Batista. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Chem 510 (0.5 Credit) Energy and Environmental Electrochemistry. Hailiang Wang. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm. (first half of term).

Chem 513 (0.5 Credit) Electronic Structure in Inorganic Chemistry. Patrick Holland. Tues./Thurs. 9:00-10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 574 (0.5 Credit) Experimental Physical Methods in Molecular Sciences I. Mark Johnson. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 578 (0.5 Credit) Molecules and Radiation I: Matrix Methods in Quantum Mechanics. Kurt Zilm. Mon./Wed./Fri. 9:20 am – 10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 579 (0.5 Credit) Molecules and Radiation II: Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy. Kurt Zilm. Mon./Wed./Fri. 9:20 am – 10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 585 (0.5 Credit) Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Patrick Loria. Tues./Thurs. 9:00 am – 10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 586 (0.5 Credit) Quantitative Biochemical Imaging. Caitlin Davis. Tues./Thurs. 9:00 am – 10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 319 (1.0 Credit) Chemical Biology: Chemical Dissection & Reprogramming of Biological Systems. Stacy Malaker, Tues./Thurs. 9:00 am – 10:15 am (full semester course).

Chem 403 (0.5 Credit) Fundamentals of Organometallic Chemistry. Nilay Hazari, Tues./Thurs. 9:00-10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 404 (0.5 Credit) Applications of Organometallic Chemistry. Nilay Hazari, Tues./Thurs. 9:00-10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 405 (0.5 Credit) Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. James Mayer, Mon./Wed. 9:00-10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 492 (0.5 Credit) Biochemical Rates and Mechanisms I. Patrick Loria, Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am-12:50 pm (first half of term).

CHEM 496 (0.5 Credit) - Computational Chemistry. William Jorgensen. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Chem 529 (0.5 Credit). Total Synthesis. Timothy Newhouse. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Chem 534 (0.5 Credit) Synthetic Methods in Drug Discovery and Development. Jonathan Ellman Mon./Wed. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 535 (0.5 Credit) - Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry. William Jorgensen. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am – 12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 576 (0.5 Credit) Fundamentals for Physical Chemistry. Mark Johnson, Mon./Wed. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (first half of term).

Chem 584 (0.5 Credit) Machine Learning & Quantum Computing. Victor Batista, Tues./Thurs. 9:00 - 10:15 am (second half of term).

Chem 588 (0.5 Credit) Optical Spectroscopy: Applications in Biophysics. Elsa Yan. Tues./Thurs. 9:00 am – 10:15 am (first half of term).

Chem 593 (0.5 Credit) Biochemical Rates and Mechanisms II. Pat Loria, Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am- 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Chem 594 (0.5 Credit) Resonant and Non-Resonant Interaction of Light with Matter. Mark Johnson, Mon./Wed. 11:35 am - 12:50 pm (second half of term).

Advanced Laboratory Electives, Full Term Courses

Chem 226L (1.0 Credit) Advanced Chemistry Lab. Christine DiMeglio. Offered on either Tues. or Thurs. 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Chem 330L (1.0 Credit) Physical Chemistry Lab I. Paul Cooper. Offered on either Mon. or Tues. 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. **Note this lab may be required if pursuing a BS Intensive degree.

Chem 251L (1.0 Credit) Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jon Parr, Lab offered on either Wed or Thurs 1:00-5:00 p.m.

Chem 331L (1.0 Credit) Physical Chemistry Laboratory II. Paul Cooper, Lab offered on either Mon./Tues./Wed. 1:00-5:00 p.m. and lecture on Fridays 2:30-3:20 p.m.

DUS Approved Advanced Chemistry Course Substitutions

APHY 450 (1.0 credit) Advanced Synchrotron Techniques and Electron Spectroscopy of Materials. Charles Ahn. Th. 1:30-3:20 p.m.

ENAS 606 (1.0 Credit) Polymer Chemistry and Physics. Mingjiang Zhong. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am -12:50 p.m. 

ENAS 609 (1.0 Credit) Principles and Design of Energy Devices. Shu Hu. Tues./Thurs. 2:30 - 3:45 p.m.

MB&B 300 (1.0 credit) Principles of Biochemistry I. Matthew Simon, Michael Koelle, Candie Paulson. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 am - 12:25 p.m.

PHYS 440 (1.0 Credit) Quantum Mechanics and Natural Phenomena I. Ramamurti Shankar. Mon./Wed. 11:35 am - 12:50 p.m.

PHYS 448 (1.0 Credit) Solid State Physics I. Vidvuds Ozolins. Tues./Thurs. 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. 

BENG 351 (1.0 Credit) Biotransport and Kinetics. Kathryn Miller-Jensen. Mon./Wed. 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.

MB&B 301 (1.0 Credit) Principles of Biochemistry II. Christian Schlieker, Franziska Bleichert, Karla Neugebauer. Tues./Thurs. 11:35 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.

PHYS 441 (1.0 Credit) Quantum Mechanics and Natural Phenomena II. Mon./Wed. 11:35 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.

PHYS 449 (1.0 Credit) Solid State Physics II. Yu He. Mon./Wed. 11:35 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. 

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