See also GSAS’s comprehensive list of graduate student organizations.
Chemistry Joint Safety Team (JST)
We work with Environmental Health and Safety to cultivate a safety culture by improving safety awareness and literacy in chemical labs, providing safety skills and resources to assist researchers, and establishing a communication network. We provide lab training to first-years, archive near misses, support safety officers, and distribute safety information via posters, newsletters, meetings, talks, and events.

DEIB Peer Resource Advocates
Our goal is to bring together the Chemistry community and create an atmosphere of belonging by hosting social gatherings, like Chemists & Coffee.
We also support our colleagues by bringing DEIB trainings to the department as well as sharing resources to address discrimination, harassment, mental health challenges, and other issues related to equity, inclusion, and climate.

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers Yale Student Chapter
NOBCChE is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to assisting black and other minority students and professionals to fully realize their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields.

Open Labs at Yale
Open Labs’ primary mission is to inspire middle and high school students to seek a degree in science. Chemistry graduate students and postdocs serve as role models and introduce students to their cutting-edge scientific research.
Check out Yale’s chapter of the Open Labs program.

“The Periodical” - Chemistry’s E-Zine
The Periodical is a semi-annual publication of creative content crafted by members of the Yale Chemistry community. It serves as a creative medium to celebrate art, science, and diversity in chemistry. The objective of The Periodical is to portray our multi-faceted identities and passions beyond chemistry.

Professional Development Network (PDN)
The PDN provides career development opportunities for chemistry students and postdocs by presenting a diverse speaker panel of experienced professionals, building connections with alumni, and facilitating intradepartmental cohesion. We organize alumni career panels, and student-to-student and postdoc peer professional groups, which affiliate by research interest and meet monthly to discuss informational interviews, academic policy, research policy, career exploration, and more.
Social Committee
Contact Annie Tyler to help plan the next gathering. We are currently looking for new committee members!

STEM Mentors at Yale
The group’s mission is to encourage local high school students, especially underrepresented groups like women and minorities, to pursue careers related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
To achieve this goal, they provide mentors for students and host a variety of public events throughout the school year.

WISAY (Women in Science at Yale)
WISAY seeks to help overcome disparities in STEM by supporting women at all career levels through advocacy, mentoring, community building, and career development. The group of over 500 undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs creates a campus-wide network of scientists across many scientific disciplines. It provides the opportunity for Yale scientists to meet with leading women scientists from Yale and around the country.

Intramural Sports
The Graduate & Professional Intramural Program provides an opportunity for Yale graduate students, faculty, staff, and their spouses to engage in recreational sports.