colored polygon shapes

Identity & Branding

Use these assets to unify and elevate your Yale presentations, posters, and documents

Chemistry Wordmarks

The Office of the University Printer has created official wordmarks for the Department of Chemistry.  Use these in your letterhead, presentations, posters, etc. - anywhere you officially state the department name.

Yale Identity

Yale provides visual asset templates, samples, and guidelines to ensure a cohesive Yale look. Below is a selection from the Yale Identity website.

  • PowerPoint Template

    Want a stylish PowerPoint presentation? Cut out the design work and ensure your presentation looks Yalie. 

  • Email Signatures

    We offer a few variations of both full and condensed options for your Yale email signature. 

  • Yale Colors

    Explore the iconic Yale Blue and a palette of appropriate accent colors.

  • Yale Typefaces

    Download the Yale typeface and learn about additional recommended fonts for print and digital.