Yale Chemistry Symposium 2021 Poster Presentations
Below is a selection of the 28 graduate student research posters presented at the Yale Chemistry Symposium on Aug. 27. Some posters could not be shared due to data publication status.
Authors: Samuel M. Bhutto, Reagan X. Hooper, Sean F. McWilliams, Brandon Q. Mercado, Patrick L. Holland
Title: “Total Synthesis of Fully Synthetic (+)-Pleuromutilin Analogs”
Authors: Mikaela DiBello, Olivia Goethe, Seth Herzon
Title: “Tunable and Practical Homogeneous Organic Reductants for Cross-Electrophile Coupling”
Authors: David J. Charboneau, Haotian Huang, Emily L. Barth, Nilay Hazari, Brandon Q. Mercado, Mycah R. Uehling, Susan L. Zultanski
Title: “Modifications of Metal Oxide Semiconductors for Efficient Light Driven Water Oxidation”
Authors: Josephine Jacob-Dolan, Matt Capobianco, Cristina DeCavoli, Jessica Freeze, HanyuLiu, Spencer Adler, Robert H. Crabtree, Gary W. Brudvig
Title: “Spectroscopic Imaging of Interactions in the Cell”
Authors: Eddie Knab, Eitan Acks, Brahmmi Patel, Caitlin Davis
Title: “Insights into the ORR Selectivity Determining Mechanism with Fe(porphyrin) Catalysts”
Authors: Hannah S. Nedzbala, Anna C. Brezny, and James M. Mayer
Title: “Mucinomics: Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Mucins and Human Disease”
Authors: Valentina Rangel-Angarita, Deniz Ince1, Keira Mahoney, and Stacy A. Malaker
Title: “Iterative Power Algorithm for Global Optimization with Quantics Tensor Trains”
Authors: Micheline S. Soley, Victor S. Batista, Paul Bergold
Title: “Adventures in Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Electron Transfer in Dye-Sensitized Metal Oxides”
Authors: Jacob A. Spies, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, Gary W. Brudvig
Title: “Formation of Fused Ring Junction N-Heterocycles via Cp*Rh(III) Imidoyl C–H Activation”
Authors: Andrew D. Streit, Gia L. Hoang, Adam J. Zoll, Michelle H. Moon, Matthew D. Simon, and Jonathan A. Ellman