Chair’s Welcome

The Department of Chemistry is dedicated to excellence in education and research. Our faculty members provide research opportunities through the study of a wide range of topics that are detailed on the faculty web pages.

Our facilities include the iconic Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, the completely reworked Kline Chemistry Laboratory, and the state-of-the-art Class of ‘54 Chemistry Research Building, in addition to a new undergraduate teaching center and interdisciplinary research laboratories on Yale’s West Campus. Along with the Chemistry and Biophysical Instrument Center, our infrastructure provides an outstanding environment for study leading to bachelor and doctorate degrees. 

In that spirit, our most outstanding resource is the community of outstanding graduate students, undergraduate students, postdoctoral scholars, research scientists, faculty, and professional staff that comprise our ~400-person-strong scientific community. 

We hope you enjoy exploring our activities.

Kurt Zilm
William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor of Chemistry
Department Chair