Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 101ˢᵗ Anniversary Celebration & Alumni Connect

Event time: 
May 10, 2024 - 9:00am to 8:00pm
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory See map
Event description: 

The Chemistry Department and alumni are invited to attend a celebration marking the 101st year since the opening of the Sterling Chemistry Laboratory. The celebration on Friday, May 10, will include historical, guest speaker, and faculty research talks, a lunch, facilities tours (for alumni), a student poster session, a picnic (for the Chemistry community), and a welcome reception, and dinner (for alumni,  faculty, and select students).

A message for alumni…

The event is bookended with optional activities for alumni on Thursday evening, May 9, and Saturday, May11. See the event website for more information specific to alumni, such as alumni registration, and  hotel bookings, tour sign-ups, and who’s going. 


Thursday, May 9       Alumni Connect

Evening Alumni Welcome Mixer (organized by alumni via contact list provided)

Friday, May 10          Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 101st Anniversary Celebration

8:30–9:00 a.m. Check-In & Continental Breakfast (for alumni, faculty, and speakers)
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 2nd Floor

9:00–9:10 a.m. Welcome by Kurt W. Zilm
Prof. of Chemistry and Chair, Department of Chemistry
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory Lecture Hall 110
Livestream and extra seating in SCL 160 and CRB 123.

9:10–9:50 a.m. “History of Sterling Chemistry”
Michael McBride, Prof. of Chemistry, Yale University

9:50–10:15 a.m. “Memories of Sterling Chemistry from Near and Far”
Andrew D. Hamilton, Prof. of Chemistry and Past President of New York University

10:15–10:30 a.m. Coffee Break

10:30–11:00 a.m. Theoretical Chemistry at Yale: Past and Future
Prof. John Tully’64 B.A. introduces Professor Tianyu Zhu
“Toward Systematically Controllable Quantum Chemistry Simulations of Materials and Interfaces”

11:00–11:20 a.m. Reminisces  
Peter B. Dervan ’72 Ph.D., Bren Prof. of Chemistry, Caltech, and Former Yale Corporation Trustee

11:20–11:50 a.m. Inorganic Chemistry at Yale: Past and Future
Professor Bob Crabtree introduces Professor Amymarie Bartholomew
“Modular Molecular Materials”

11:50 a.m.–1:20 p.m. Lunch
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 1st-Floor Hallway
Additional seating in SCL 201, SCL 218, and CRB 123.

1:20–1:50 p.m. Biophysical Chemistry at Yale: Past and Future
Prof. Mark Johnson introduces Prof. Caitlin Davis
“Live Cell Metabolic Imaging with Sub-Micron IR Microscopy”

1:50–2:00 p.m. “Sterling Chemistry & the Pursuit of Generational Excellence
Scott Miller, Sterling Prof. of Chemistry, Yale University
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Organic Chemistry

2:00–2:30 p.m. Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Yale: Past and Future

Prof. Scott Miller introduces Prof. Stacy Malaker
“Mucinomics as the Next Frontier of Mass Spectrometry”

2:30–2:40 p.m. “Student, Staff, and Faculty Achievement”
Prof. Kurt W. Zilm

2:40–3:00 p.m. Institutional Perspectives
Scott Strobel
Provost and Henry Ford IT Prof. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

Peter Salovey ’83 M.S., ’84 MPhil, ’86 Ph.D.
President and Chris Argyris Prof. of Psychology, Yale University

3:00–5:00 p.m. Chemistry Poster Session
Sterling Chemistry Teaching Labs Hallway, 3rd Floor


                                   Alumni Connect feature: “What I’ve Done Since My Yale Degree” slideshow

                                   Facilities Group Tours

                                   “Ten Rare Chemistry Books”
                                   Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
                                   Led by Prof. Bob Crabtree

5:00 p.m.– Chemistry Community Reception, Chemistry Courtyard

5:00–6:00 p.m. Alumni Welcome Receptiion
Passed Wine and Hors D’oeuvres,  Sterling Chemistry Library

6:00–8:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner: Celebration of Building and Alumni Connect Launch (for alumni, faculty, and select students)
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 2nd-Floor Hallway

Saturday, May 11       Alumni Connect

8:30–9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast (for alumni)
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 2nd-Floor Hallway

9:00–10:30 a.m. Panel Discussion: “AI’s Impact on Chemistry Research and Teaching”
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory Lecture Hall 110

“AI at Yale: A Vision for Our Future”
Jennifer Frederick ’99 Ph.D.
Executive Director of the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning and Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives

“From Chalkboards to Chatbots: AI’s Impact on Chemistry Education”
Jennifer Stauffer ’02 M.S.
Senior Fellow, Knowles Teaching Initiative

“Innovating Chemistry: Harnessing Classical and Quantum AI for Molecular Design and Retro-Planning”
Victor S. Batista
John Gamble Kirkwood Prof. of Chemistry, Yale University

“Scientific Discovery: From the GPU to the Lab Bench”
Michelle Lynn Gill ’06 Ph.D.
Applied Research Manager, BioFoundation Models, NVIDIA

10:30–11:00 a.m. Post-Presentation Conversation & Light Refreshments

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Guided Tours of Science Hill and West Campus

This concludes the formally organized portion of the program.

12:30p.m.–onwards Lunch, Sight-Seeing, and Dinner (organized by alumni via contact list provided)

Event contact name: 
Chemistry Events