Inorganic Chemistry Seminar with Takahiko Kojima, University of Tsukuba

Event time: 
August 29, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Sterling Chemistry Laboratory (SCL), Room 160 See map
Event description: 

Please join Yale Chemistry for an Inorganic Seminar with Takahiko Kojima, Professor of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba.

The Kojima Lab is engaged in various studies focusing on redox reactions of metal complexes and porphyrins that are based on biological phenomena. In particular, they study reactions related to proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET), in which protons and electrons move in a coordinated or sequential manner between molecules. Their study of redox reactions in metal complexes includes research on the formation of highly valent metal-oxo and oxyl complexes and their substrate oxidation reactions, reaction mechanism of hydrogen transfer reaction, molecular bistability, and research on artificial photosynthesis that converts light energy into chemical energy. Their study of the chemistry of saddle-type porphyrins looks at the formation
of peculiar supramolecular structures and molecular assemblies based on curved structures, functional development based on protonation, and catalytic reaction with protonated porphyrins.

Faculty Host: Prof. Jim Mayer

This seminar can be viewed online here: Panopto