Berson Lecture in Physical Organic Chemistry with Miguel García-Garibay, UCLA

Event time: 
April 9, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Sterling Chemistry Laboratory (SCL), Room 160 See map
Event description: 

Please join Yale Chemistry for a Berson Lecture in Physical Organic chemistry with Miguel García-Garibay, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Dean of Physical Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles.

Title: TBA

The Garcia-Garibay research group is dedicated to the study of solids and crystalline materials spanning a wide range of properties and length scales. There are four main research thrusts in the group (I) The design of reactions in crystals for both synthetic and materials applications; (II) The design of solid-state materials with functions that rely on controlled mechanical changes at the molecular level, including electro-optics, ferroelectrics, etc. (III) The use of nanoparticles to control photochemical processes, and (IV) the study of structure-reactivity correlations based on solid state reaction rates and X-Ray structural analyses, including the control of reactive intermediates and a better understanding of quantum mechanical tunneling.
For more information on Professor García-Garibay’s research:

Faculty Host: Prof. Bill Jorgensen

This seminar can be viewed online here: Panopto