
Machine Shop

David Johnson Instructor 203 432 3921

The Department of Chemistry maintains a state-of-the-art Machine Shop in SCL 7 to allow students, faculty, and staff to construct or modify research instrumentation. Access is strictly limited to those who have completed the shop course. Interested students should contact Mr. Johnson.

Gibbs Machine Shop

Vincent Bernardo Jr. Director 203 432 6300

Project Work Directly Related to Research

David Johnson

 Machine Shop Instructor

203 432 3921

The Department of Chemistry maintains a state-of-the-art Machine Shop in SCL 7 to allow students, faculty, and staff to construct or modify research instrumentation. Access is strictly limited to those who have completed the shop course. Interested students should contact Mr. Johnson.

Daryl Smith

Scientific Glassblowing Shop

 Scientific Glassblower

203 432 3921

Ed Ginter

Research & Development Technician

203 432 3924

1.    The R&D Technician works directly with faculty and researchers to design and/or modify existing and new scientific instruments, components, equipment, and systems. He installs new detailed laboratory cabinetry and supprt apparatus using plastic, glass, and wood.

2.    There is no charge for labor, only material and his service is available to all departments, faculty, and staff in the sciences.

3.    If you would like to utilize this service, please fill out the Work Request Form and email to ed.ginter@yale.edu.