Minors in the Lab

Policy for Minors Participating in Research or Clinical Activities - High School students aged 16 or 17 years.

The purpose of the minor’s participation in research/clinical activities at Yale is to provide the student with an introduction to an academic field of study and research and/or to offer the minor an educational mentoring opportunity. The research/clinical experience at Yale is solely for the educational benefit of the minor and does not constitute an employment relationship between the minor and Yale.  The minor may not receive any wages or other compensation for any of his or her educational activities at Yale.  In limited circumstances, a participant may receive a lump-sum stipend if needed to enable his/her participation in the activity. This must be approved at the time of application, and in advance of any payment, by the provost or designee.

To set up an appointment for a minor in the lab, please contact chemistry.dus@yale.edu with the student’s name, contact information, and anticipated dates of appointment. Then, the faculty member or delegate (must be Yale faculty or staff member) fills out application on https://ehsis.yale.edu/EHSIntegrator/Registration. Main Office staff continues the process in the Sponsored Identity Application to obtain a NetID for the student. Students aged 16 and 17 require parental consent forms and liability waivers.